Rules of Engagement (ROE)

  1. After the beep, when the 1st round is sent downrange, the competitor is committed to the stage.
  2. The competitor is ultimately responsible for their actions regarding range safety, weapons manipulation and stage engagement.  The Range Timer Operator (RTO) is present to assist the competitor safely through stage engagement.
  3. Any missed target may be re-engaged to “make up the miss”.  Extra rounds placed on targets will incur no penalty.
  4. Rifles will be placed in Condition 1 (magazine inserted, chambered, placed “on safe”) on the firing line prior to staging.
  5. Pistols will be placed in Condition 1 (magazine inserted, chambered, placed “on safe”) on the firing line prior to holstering/staging. 
  6. Shotguns must be staged in Condition 2 (magazine loaded with the required shell count for the stage, hammer down on an empty chamber.  Shotgun magazine is loaded in the loading area.  Shotguns may be staged “off safe”.
  7. Shotgun magazines may only be loaded with the number of shells required by the stage ROE up to 7 shells regardless of actual magazine capacity.
  8. During stage engagement, rifles and pistols must be placed “on safe” after engaging and discarded with the muzzle safely within the 180.  This will be verified by the RTO upon completion of stage engagement prior to the competitor being allowed to clear the them.
  9. During stage engagement, the shotgun must be discarded with the action open and empty with the muzzle safely within the 180.
  10. When a mandatory magazine change for rifle or pistol is required (and timing is not specified by the stage ROE), at least 1 round must be fired before the magazine is dropped from the weapon and at least 1 round must be fired after the fresh magazine is inserted into the weapon.  Timing of the change may be further specified by stage ROE.
  11. Any magazine or round of ammunition that hits the deck during stage engagement is dead and may not be retrieved until stage engagement is complete.
  12. Once a round is sent downrange from a weapon, the competitor is committed to that weapon.
  13. In the event of declared catastrophic malfunction, the competitor may “transition to secondary” or another weapon to complete stage engagement.  See Range OPS Manual for specific clarifications.
  14. When specified by the stage ROE, all competitors may “shoot on the move”.  See Range OPS Manual for specific clarification.

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